Instructions for Rocky Shore Tour. (HOME)
When you click Back in your Browser, you will return to the Home Page of the Rocky Shore Tour Site. Here you can either:
1. Take a series of guided lessons about rocky shores and finally arrive at a transect to carry out on line (The Kite Diagram for this is available online with a password, which get either from your Teacher or from Gary Skinner. If you send me an e-mail for this, or anyway, I would love to hear what you think of the site, what is good or bad and how you have used (or not!) it. I will try to take any suggestions on board and change it where I agree with you.
2. Go to the Left hand Panel and have quick access to 3D tours (Have a Look Around), online transects (of three shores one exposed, one not so and one very sheltered), pages about ABIOTIC factors on the shore and pages with some quantitative studies of particular species.
A note about file size.
Some of the pictures are VERY big files, because otherwise the quality is lost. This is especially true of the virtual transect quadrats. If you have broadband this should not be an issue, just be slightly patient. On dial-up you may find these parts of the site unusable. If you would like a CD with the whole site on it please write (on school headed paper or similar) to
Gary Skinner,
42, Beechwood Road,
Halifax, HX2 9AR
I ask if you have a CD it is used in school/college etc. rather than by each individual, but you are welcome to make further copies for such individual use that is, please do not send for more than one from any one institution.
The site is being constantly worked on, so come back and look when you can.
Enjoy, and remember, send me any feedback, it will be greatly appreciated and taken seriously!!